Robot Office v17.5 英文光碟正式版 (結構分析軟體)
Robot Office v17.5 英文光碟正式版 (結構分析軟體)
ROBOT MILLENNIUM是一套結構分析軟體,特別是在於鐵、混凝土及機械的物理結構分析
運用上是非常獨到的,而且在歷經ROBOT V6及ROBOT 97兩個版本之後,在效能上有了大
幅度的提昇,而且在新的版本中也首次的支援了Visual C++ 32Bit的物件導向語言對於
-ROBOT Expert
ROBOT Millennium evolved over 20 years of innovative and extensive
developments and improvements, as well as a precise study of users' needs
and experience of ROBOT V6 and ROBOT 97.
It is the achievement of two generations of extremely powerful programs
dedicated to Steel, Concrete and Civil Engineering design offices.
ESOP is software developed for Component Design and Analysis based in MS
EXCEL. ESOP is an incredibly flexible software package which can
communicate with Robot Millennium via the Robot Open Standard (ROS). Data
can be transferred from Robot for design of Steel Moment Connections etc
or sent back from ESOP for model creation etc.
The RCAD software is a new leading edge solution for the modelling and
drafting of steel and concrete structures. RCAD can be used in a variety
of situations and, built upon our philosophy of integrated solutions,
allows the user to benefit from a truly seamless integration of drafting,
analysis and design. RCAD software is a solution completely integrated
with Autodesk products and may be used with Autocad, Architectural
Desktop or even Autocad LT.
Robot Office contains:
#ROBOT Millennium (MULTiLANGUAGE) #ROBOT Expert #ESOP #RCAD #Robin